Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Agent State and Task State Relationship
Agent state times are reported on half hour boundaries regardless of whether the call or task is finished
or not. Call and task state times are reported only when the task ends. The call/task ends when wrap up
is complete.
The following figure illustrates the correlation between agent state and call state for a Voice call. The
agent reserve time includes the time it took the call to arrive at the agent’s phone or desktop (network
time) as well as the amount of time that the call rang on the agent’s phone or waited on the agent’s desktop
(offer/ring time).
Figure 6 : Agent State and Task State Relationship
If the half hour boundary ends when the call is ringing on the agent’s phone, the reserved time for the
agent includes the network time and part of the ring time. At the next half hour interval, the remaining
ring time is reported in the reserved time of the agent. However, the call’s time does not appear on a
report until wrap up has been completed on the call.
Agent Not Ready Reason Codes
WebView Agent Not Ready Reason Code reports enable you to report on the Not Ready reason codes
that agents select when entering Not Ready state. These reports help you identify whether agents are
taking the appropriate number of breaks and whether their breaks are the appropriate length.
You configure these Not Ready reason codes in the ICM Configuration Manager and in the agent desktop
software. You configure codes in ICM Configuration Manager using the Reason Code List tool. This
tool enables you to specify alphanumeric reason codes and their numeric equivalent. For example, you
might configure Break and Lunch reason codes with corresponding numeric values of 1 and 2, respectively.
You also configure these reason codes in the agent desktop software so that the agent can select a reason
code when entering the Not Ready state. The Not Ready reason codes configured on ICM software are
system-level codes, while the Not Ready reason codes configured on the agent desktop software are
peripheral-specific. You should configure reason codes to have the same meaning in both applications.
The WebView Agent Not Ready Reason Code reports (agent30 and 31) provide the alphanumeric name
of the reason code and the corresponding number in the agent Not Ready detail and Not Ready summary
reports. For example, if an agent enters Not Ready state and selects "Break" as the reason code, the report
displays "Break [1]". The reason code text that displays is the code configured in ICM Configuration
Manager. Not Ready reason codes that do not have an alphanumeric reason code defined in the ICM
Configuration Manager appear as numbers in the reports. For example, if you configure reason code "3"
and do not specify a text reason code, such as Training, only "3" appears in the reports.
Cisco IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition Reporting Guide Release 6.0
Managing Agents
Monitoring Agent States