Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Depending on how you configure short calls for the call type and the agent, you might notice that the
short calls fields for both call type and agent are not always incremented when a short call abandons.
Consider these scenarios:
If you do not configure the Abandon Wait Time for the call type and the call abandons while ringing
at the agent's phone within the Abandon Wait Time for the peripheral, the call is considered an
abandoned call for the call type but a short call for the agent and skill group.
If you do not configure the Abandon Wait Time for the peripheral and the call abandons while
ringing at the agent's phone within the Abandon Wait Time set for the call type, the call is considered
a short call for the call type but an abandoned call for the agent and skill group..
If a call remains in queue beyond the Abandon Wait Time set for the call type but then abandons
while ringing on the agent desktop within the Abandon Wait Time set for the peripheral, the call
is considered a handled call for the call type and a short call for the agent and skill group.
If the abandon call wait time (short call duration) is less than the service level threshold, a short call is
not counted as part of the service level since the call is gone before a service level event occurs.
Answered Short Calls
For IPCC Enterprise, answered short calls apply to the skill group and the agent skill group. This is the
minimum amount of time that the call is connected to the agent. The short call timer starts when the agent
answers the call. CallsAnswered is updated for these calls. However, the ShortCalls fields within the skill
group and agent skill group tables are also incremented. The call is reported both as handled as a short
If auto-answer is enabled for the agent, and if there is a high number of short calls within a certain interval,
short calls could be used to determine which agents were not at their station when a call was automatically
answered. This assumes that the caller hangs up quickly when there is no agent on the phone.
Configuration Recommendations for Reporting on Short Calls
You should consider both abandoned short calls and answered short calls when configuring short calls.
Configuring Abandoned Short Calls
Follow these guidelines when configuring abandoned short calls:
Configure short calls for the call type using the System Information tool in the ICM Configuration
Manager. Set the Abandon Call Wait Time to the number of seconds that you want. If you do not
want abandoned short calls to impact service level, set the value to less than the service level
Note: If you do not want to count any abandoned calls as short calls regardless of how quickly they
abandon, you can disable abandoned short calls by leaving the Abandon Wait Time field for the Call
Type in the System Information tool blank.
Configure short calls for peripherals using the PG Explorer tool in ICM Configuration Manager.
Set the Abandon Call Wait Time to the number of seconds that you want. If you do not want
abandoned short calls to impact service level, set the value to less than the service level threshold.
Cisco IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition Reporting Guide Release 6.0
Monitoring Operations, Configuration, and Scripting
Configuration Recommendations for Reporting on Short Calls