Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Fields Affected by Call Flow
Call Type Report
This call affects the following fields
caltyp31: Call Type Abandon/Answer
Distribution by Half Hour Report
ASA. This call is used in the Average Speed of Answer calculation.
00:00:00 - 00:01:00: Ans. This field is incremented.
Voice Call with Queuing
The following script is used for this example:
Figure 11: Routing Script for Voice Call with Queuing
Note: For IPCC Enterprise with System IPCC PG and System IPCC deployments, the Translation
Route to VRU node is not needed.
In this script, the script first tries to select an available agent using the LAA (Longest Available
Node) from the appropriate skill groups. If an agent is not available, the script then performs a
translation route to VRU and queues the call to the appropriate skill groups. During queuing,
the VRU plays music on hold. Labels are used for default routing in case the Translation Route
to VRU, Queue to Skill Group, or Run Ext. Script nodes fail.
The following events occur:
1. A customer calls the contact center at 9:05:07 a.m.
2. An agent is not available. The script uses the Transfer to IVR node and then the Queue to
Skill Group node to queue the call to the appropriate skill group.
3. An agent becomes available at 9:11:13 a.m.
4. The call is assigned to the agent.
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(1)
Chapter 7: Sample Calls and Report Data
IPCC Enterprise Voice Call Reporting Data