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Configuration Recommendations for Reporting on Short Calls
You consider both abandoned short calls and answered short calls when configuring short calls.
Configuring Abandoned Short Calls
Follow these guidelines when configuring abandoned short calls:
Configure short calls for the call type using the ICM/IPCC configuration tools. You set this
value globally for all call types. Set the Abandon Call Wait Time to the number of seconds
that you want. If you do not want abandoned short calls to impact service level, set the value
to less than the service level threshold.
If you do not want to count any abandoned calls as short calls regardless of how quickly they
abandon, you can disable abandoned short calls by leaving the Abandon Wait Time field for
the Call Type blank.
Configure short calls for each peripheral using the ICM/IPCC configuration tools. Set the
Abandon Call Wait Time to the number of seconds that you want. If you do not want
abandoned short calls to impact service level, set the value to less than the service level
Configuring Answered Short Calls - Not Applicable for System IPCC Deployments
Configure answered short calls in the ICM/IPCC configuration tools when configuring the
peripheral. If you do not want answered short calls to impact Service Level, set the Answer
Short Call Threshold to a value less than your service level threshold but greater than zero.
If you do not want to count any answered calls as short calls, regardless of how quickly they
terminate, you can disable answered short calls by leaving the Answered Short Call Threshold
field blank.
Answered short calls can be configured for agent and skill groups, not for call types.
See Also
Cisco IPCC Enterprise Edition Installation and Configuration Guide
System IPCC Installation and Configuration Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise Edition
Determining Full-Time Equivalents and Percent Utilization
Because agents can work on multiple media and in multiple skill groups, they typically do not
spend all of their time handling tasks for a single skill group. Determining staffing needs based
on agents whose time is divided between skill groups and media can be difficult. WebView
provides two types of statistics that give you a better view of how agents are being utilized and
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted 7.5(1)
Chapter 5: Monitoring Operations, Configuration, and Scripting
Configuration Recommendations for Reporting on Short Calls