Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Monitoring Agent States
You can monitor agent states in real-time to view current agent activity, or review past
performance data to identify trends in agent states. For example, using historical reports you
can see how much time an agent spends in Not Ready state, which indicates whether the agent
is adhering to the schedule. This section describes the meaning of agent states in an IPCC
Enterprise environment.
Agent States
Agent states are determined based on an agent’s activity within a skill group. Agent state is
recorded in the Agent_Real_Time and Skill_Group_Real_Time database tables.
Certain reports indicate how many agents are in different states. In these reports, the Hold
column is used to report on agents in Hold and Paused states, and the Active column is used to
report on agents in the Active and Talking states.
The following table describes agents states that appear in reports. Note that information for
some states is different for the Multi-session Chat MRD. This table highlights these differences.
Table 15: Agent States
Description for all MRDs except for Cisco Voice
Description for all Cisco Voice
State in Skill
The agent is working on one or more chat requests
associated with this skill group. For these agents,
the state is reported as Active.
The agent is working on a task or a call in this skill
For agents who handle non-voice tasks, this state
is reported as Active.
For agents who handle voice-tasks, this state is
reported as Talking.
The agent is performing wrap up work for a task
associated with this skill group. The agent is not in
The agent is performing wrap up work for a call
or task in this skill group.
Work Ready
the Active state with respect to a task associated with
this skill group.
If the agent is handling a voice call, the agent
enters Not Active state when wrap up is complete.
If the agent is handling a non-voice task, the agent
might enter Not Active or Not Ready state when
wrap up is complete.
The agent is not in Active or Work Ready state with
respect to a task associated with this skill group. The
The agent is paused with respect to a call or task
associated with this skill group.
agent is Paused with respect to a task associated
with this skill group.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted 7.5(1)
Chapter 3: Managing Agents
Monitoring Agent States