Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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What Data Do You Want to See?
The reports you use depend on whether you are monitoring real-time customer experience or
historical experience trends.
For both real-time and historical customer experience, you might be interested in these types
of statistics:
Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
Number of calls received
Number of calls handled
Number of calls abandoned
How long callers waited in queue
Number of calls queued for the agent
Whether Service Level objectives are being met
Whether the caller had to be transferred
Number of callers that heard a busy signal
Where calls are currently located - VRU (prompt or self service), queue, or agent
Real-time customer experience data helps you identify immediate issues, such as Service Levels
not being met, calls waiting in queue too long, or calls abandoning before reaching agents.
The following table describes suggested IPCC Enterprise report templates that provide customer
experience real-time statistics. For details of all IPCC Enterprise report templates, refer to the
WebView Template Reference Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions.
Table 29: Report Templates for Real-time Monitoring
Statistics Provided
Reports on Service Level status for the day, rolling five minute interval,
and current half hour.
caltyp04: Task Type Service Level Real Time
Reports on ASA, time spent in queue for the call that has been in longest
in queue, number of calls in queue, number of calls offered, handled and
caltyp20: Call Type Real Time Report
abandoned, and the number of calls that have received return ring and
return busy treatment. This report also provides the number of calls that
are at the VRU (prompt or self service), in queue and with IPCC agents.
Reports on the number of calls in queue that are within and outside of
the Service Level threshold.
caltyp25: Call Type Queue Status Real Time
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted 7.5(1)
Chapter 4: Measuring Customer Experience
Useful Customer Experience Statistics and Report Templates