Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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WebView Template Reference Guide for Cisco Unified CC Enterprise & Hosted, Release 7.5(1)
Chapter 3      Agent Report Templates
Agent By Skill Group Reports
Log On Duration
The time measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format that the agent 
spent logged on.
Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Logout.LoginDuration
Log Out DateTime
The ICM central controller's date and time that the agent logged out.
Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Logout.LogoutDateTime
Reason Code
A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state 
change. If not defined, this displays 0.
The agent's CTIOS desk settings and CTIOS registry settings need to be configured to 
display the reason code. You can do this in the ICM Configuration Manager's Agent Desk 
Settings List tool.
You must enable reason code reporting by selecting the "agent event detail" check box 
in the ICM Configuration Manager's PG Explorer. For more information,  see About Agent 
Log Out Reason Codes.
Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Logout.ReasonCode
Media Summary
The total log-on duration of all agents in the media routing domain.
Report Summary
The total log-on duration of all agents in the report.
agtskg04: Agent Task Detail Activity Report
A table of all agents in the selected skill groups showing agent 
task detail data including information about incoming tasks, 
outgoing tasks, internal tasks, callbacks, and wrap-up work, 
gathered in half-hour increments.
The report time must include the agent’s whole log-on 
session to get accurate times for the tasks.
Fields applicable to a voice domain only are prefixed with an 
asterisk (*). Such fields are not applicable for e-mail or 
collaboration media.
To show agent skill group activity for the selected time period.
Applicable environment IPCC and/or ICM
Template type
Historical table