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WebView Template Reference Guide for Cisco Unified CC Enterprise & Hosted, Release 7.5(1)
Chapter 5      Skill Group Report Templates
IPCC Peripheral Skill Group Reports
Agent State Times: % Wrap Up Time
The percentage of time that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or 
outgoing tasks in relation to LoggedOnTime or the half hour interval, whichever is less.
Derived from: (Skill_Group_Half_Hour.WorkReadyTimeToHalf + 
Agent State Times: % Busy Other Time
The percentage of time that the agents of this skill group spent in busy other state in 
the half hour interval.
Derived from: (Skill_Group_Half_Hour.BusyOtherTimeToHalf/ 
Skill Group Summary
The total of all fields for each skill group.
Media Summary
The total of all fields for each media routing domain.
Report Summary
The total of all fields for all skill groups for each peripheral.
perskg36: IPCC Peripheral Skill Group Consolidated Daily Report
A table of the selected Peripheral Skill Group(s) showing 
consolidated call and skill group statistics, gathered in day 
Completed tasks are all the tasks all tasks that completed 
during the time shown (that is, on the row in the report). 
This includes any tasks which began before the time frame 
shown. However, this does not include tasks where the 
caller abandoned in the local ACD queue.
This report displays the same data as the Entskg26 report except 
that this report is organized by media rather then by skill group. 
The report also contains the same data as the Perskg25 report 
except that here the data is gathered by day rather than by half 
Fields applicable to a voice domain only are prefixed with an 
asterisk (*). Such fields are not applicable for e-mail or 
collaboration media.
To show the daily activity and performance of the selected skill 
groups for the selected time period.
Applicable environment
IPCC only