Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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WebView Template Reference Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted, Release 7.1(1)
Release 7.1(1)
Chapter 2      Agent Report Templates
Agent By Team Reports
Agent State Times: % Reserved
The percentage of time that the agent has spent in Reserved state waiting for an ICM 
routed task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.
Derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour.ReservedStateTimeToHalf / 
Agent State Times: % Wrap Up
The percentage of time that the agent has spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or 
outgoing calls to/from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.
Derived from: ((Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour.WorkReadyTimetoHalf + 
Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour.WorkNotReadyTimetoHalf ) / 
Agent State Times: % Busy Other
The percentage of time that the agent has spent in the BusyOther state in relation to 
Derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour.BusyOtherTimetoHalf / 
Media Summary
The totals of agent data for a media routing domain, in which the agent was logged 
during the given interval
Agent Team Summary
The total agent data in the agent team.
Report Summary
The total agent data for all agent teams in the report.
agteam27: Agent Team Historical All Fields Report
A table of all the agents in the selected teams listing all the available 
agent historical report data for the selected interval.
Fields applicable to a voice domain only are prefixed with an asterisk (*). 
Such fields are not applicable for e-mail or collaboration media.
Note: In the following descriptions, agent-dialed outbound calls or tasks 
are different from Outbound Option calls that are program-dialed 
outbound calls. Only fields specified as Outbound Option contain 
automated call data. In all other cases, outbound calls are agent-dialed 