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Release Notes for Cisco IPCC/ICM Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0) Installer Update C November 24, 2008
New and Changed Information
WebView Changes for Partitioned Systems
Real time reports for enterprise level items (services and skill groups) display all the data related to those 
items, provided the user has permission to view the enterprise level items. In prior releases, the 
enterprise data included only the subsets for which the user had explicit permission. This is consistent 
with the way historical reports work in all releases.
For example: Consider a case where an Enterprise Service (esvc1) contains services svc1, svc2 and svc3. 
The WebView user (Domain1\User1) has been granted access to esvc1 and to svc1. This user runs an 
enterprise service real-time report selecting esvc1. In 5.0 and 6.0(0), the user would see records related 
only to svc1, while in 7.0(0), the user is able to see records related to all constituent services (scv1, svc2 
and svc3).
Reporting Data Enhancements
In order to better meet reporting needs that are required to effectively run a call center, we enriched our 
database schema with new data fields. Some of this enhanced information is available on standard 
WebView templates, while other data enhancements can be used to build custom reports to meet your 
specific business needs.
The following are data enhancements that have been made in Release 7.0(0).
Call Type Abandons
Previous releases included (Router Task Aban & Delay Q Aband Time) all calls that abandoned at 
the CallType (that is, at the desktop while ringing, at the VRU (prompting) and abandons in queue). 
In Release 7.0(0), Call Type Abandon Data Enhancements have been made to provide visibility on 
calls (and associated duration) abandoned at VRU, calls that abandoned while ringing at the agent 
desktop, and calls that abandoned in Queue. Individual database fields have been added for each of 
Call Type Errors
Prior to Release 7.0(0), only total error counts were provided independent of where the error 
occurred. Enhancements have been made in Release 7.0(0) to provide additional visibility into 
where the error occurred, to help narrow down and take corrective actions. The errors are now 
classified as follows:
Routing Errors: Errors that occur because of routing issues, for example, when a routing script 
fails to find a target. 
Agent Errors: Calls that encountered errors at the agent desktop.
Call Type VRU Tasks and Time 
Additional database fields have been added to provide real-time information on the total number of 
tasks and the total time at the VRU (for both prompting and queuing). Prior to Release 7.0(0), only 
the number of tasks in queue and queuing time at the VRU were available. These enhancements 
provide additional visibility toward identifying the number of tasks and how time was spent at a 
VRU (prompting or queuing).
Call Type Tasks With IPCC Agents
Enhancements have been to provide real-time information on the number of tasks that are with IPCC 
agents. This allows real-time monitoring to identify the number of tasks agents are currently 
working on. 
Skill Group Service Level Statistics 
In order to provide additional visibility into relative performance of skill groups in their ability to 
meet service level targets, Skill Group Service Level statistics have been added to the schema 
(ServiceLevelCalls, ServiceLevelAbanCalls) similar to Call Type Service level statistics. IPCC 
customers have the ability to setup SL thresholds for individual Skill Groups and collect the service