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Release Notes for Cisco IPCC/ICM Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0) Installer Update C November 24, 2008
New and Changed Information
Windows Firewall and Cisco Security Agent (CSA) Compatibility
Standalone Cisco Security Agent (CSA) version policy 2.0.0 for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise 
and Hosted Editions 7.0(0), when run concurrently with the default Windows Firewall, will disable the 
Windows Firewall. Since CSA utilizes firewall-like components, it will disable the currently running 
Windows firewall. This occurs each time the system is rebooted, even if the Windows Firewall has been 
enabled since the last system startup on Windows Server 2003 SP1 using the Cisco ICM Firewall 
Configuration Utility (CiscoICMfwConfig).
CSA provides host based protection for various resources on the system, such as files, registry, and 
network stack. CSA can also be tuned to control network access and act like a firewall. However, the 
standalone CSA policy 2.0.0 for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise and Hosted Editions 7.0(0) does 
not exploit this feature. Instead, Cisco ICM software supports the configuration of the Windows Firewall 
on Windows Server 2003 SP1 using a Windows Firewall Configuration Utility called 
CiscoICMfwConfig. Microsoft has recommended (as noted in the help guide for the Windows Firewall) 
that two firewalls should not be running at the same time due to potential configuration compatibility 
issues. However, since standalone CSA for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise and Hosted Editions 7.0(0) 
software does not implement the firewall functionality of CSA, the Agent can coexist with the Windows 
Firewall in Windows Server 2003 SP1. An enhancement request (CSCsb48526) has been created against 
the Cisco Security Agent to not disable the Windows Firewall when CSA’s firewall feature is not 
employed. In the interim, a workaround is provided. This workaround can be found in Field Notice: 
Cisco ICM Enterprise & Hosted Contact Center Products Notice for Cisco Security Agent policy 2.0.0
Both CSA and Windows Firewall protection for Cisco ICM software is recommended, but 
not required, by Cisco. If you do not use either CSA or Windows Firewall, or use only one 
of these, the issue discussed above does not arise.
Security Hardening Automation and Best Practices 
In a Windows Server 2003 environment, ICM Setup and System IPCC Setup prompt the user to apply 
Windows Server hardening by default. Applying hardening ensures that the operating system is secure 
and protected against a number of vulnerabilities. The hardening provided is specifically customized to 
be compatible with the applications that may be installed on the server. The list of applications supported 
to run co-resident with a hardened ICM/IPCC system are: CTI OS, CAD, CSA, Support Tools, Media 
Blender, and of course all ICM and System IPCC Enterprise deployment software components. Refer to 
the Security Best Practices Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions for more 
A Prompt for Security Hardening checkbox is provided as part of ICM Setup. If the box is checked—and 
if security hardening has not been applied, or if an updated template is available—each time that Setup 
is run, you are prompted to apply security hardening.
Both of the just-mentioned features are available only on Windows Server 2003 systems.
The Security Best Practices for Cisco Intelligent Contact Management Software Release 6.0(0) & 5.0 
manuals remain relevant for the Windows 2000 common ground upgrade customer.