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CMS Cisco Real-Time Report 
2.10.1.  CMS Minimum Refresh Rate 
The CMS report is installed to run as an administrator in order to allow a 
minimum refresh rate of three seconds. You need to ensure that the refresh 
rate used for the custom CMS report is allowed for an administrator CMS 
login. In addition, you should administer the CMS report via the appropriate 
login (e.g., CMS). Using another login to administer the report will not work. 
The Avaya Professional Services group can provide the details on which login 
should be used to administer the report. 
If agents are being dynamically re-skilled (logged into and out of skill groups 
with some frequency), it is possible that the CMS report will not see an agent 
logout/login sequence for a skill group. For example, if the agent is logged 
into skill 1 and is logged out of and back into skill 1 within the CMS refresh 
rate period (that is, in between CMS snapshots of data), then CMS will not see 
this logout/login transition.   
Dynamic re-skilling of agents is not supported by CMS when the agent is 
on call That is either in “Talking” or “Reserved” state. If you re-skill an 
agent using CMS, the following logs are displayed:  
05:41:13 pg7A-pim1 Trace: AgentRecord::HashIn: CMS[0] Record: 
301204 80 0 0 0 232 0 1 801326 232 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Where 80 is CMS Work mode for reserved state. 
05:41:13 pg7A-pim1 Trace: AgentRecord::HashIn: CMS[0] Record: 
301204 32 0 0 0 232 0 1 801326 232 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
Where 32 is CMS Work mode for talking state. 
Dynamic re-skilling is supported only when the agent is in “Available” or 
“AUX” state. If the re-skilling is attempted for an agent who is on call, the re-
skill record is held by CMS until the agent completes the call and changes the 
state to “Available” or “AUX”.  
2.10.2.  Configuring the CMS Report 
When configuring the CMS report the following data items are required: 
ACD Number
. The ACD number is the Avaya ACD number as known 
to the CMS system.   
Refresh Rate
. The refresh rate is the rate at which the report will 
snapshoot the agent data and pass it on to the PG. The minimum refresh 
rate is 3 seconds. A typical refresh rate is 10 seconds.  
Splits to Monitor
. The splits to monitor are the ACD skill groups that 
are to be monitored by the PG
It is mandatory to update the list of CMS 
monitored splits periodically. 
Avaya type
. For example, Non-EAS or EAS. 
PG LAN Information
. This includes IP address, netmask, and 
hostname. It is recommended (but not necessary) that the CMS and PG be 
on the same LAN. The PG LAN information is required by the Avaya 
Professional Services engineer to properly configure the CMS report so it