Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Riferimenti tecnici

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 ICM Web Interaction
5.1.  Monitoring VDNs Used for Phantom Calls 
Unified ICM software must monitor the phantom lines used with Media 
Blender. If they are not monitored, when the Avaya PG is first started, the first 
call on each phantom line is not assigned to Media Blender or the Unified WIM. 
To ensure that Unified ICM software monitors the phantom lines, add the 
instrument IDs of all phantom lines to Unified ICM Peripheral Monitor table: 
1.  From the Administration & Data Server, click the Configure ICM icon in 
the Administration & Data Server Group. 
2.  Choose Peripherals > Peripheral Monitor. The Peripheral Monitor 
window appears. 
3.  Click the Insert button to add the phantom instrument IDs. The Peripheral 
Monitor Configuration window appears: 
Figure 33
: Peripheral Monitor Configuration 
4.  Update the Peripheral Monitor Configuration screen as follows: 
Peripheral. Select the appropriate peripheral. 
Extension or Param String. To enter one phantom line, type the 
instrument ID in the Extension field. To add multiple phantoms, enter 
the range of instrument IDs in the Param String field using a hyphen for 
a delimiter (for example, 24698-24699). 
Type. Choose Station. 
5. Click Done. The phantom lines are added to the monitor table. 
5.2.  VDNs Used for Predictive Calls 
By default, Unified ICM script monitors all VDNs configured as Peripheral 
Targets in Unified ICM database. When using phantom calling on the Avaya, 
this is the desirable behavior. Be aware, however, that on the Avaya, predictive 
calls cannot be placed by a VDN that is being monitored. 
You must therefore ensure that the VDNs set up to place predictive calls are not 
 by Unified ICM software. This requires configuration changes in 
Unified ICM software as well as the Avaya: 
In Unified ICM Software: 
When creating Peripheral Targets for predictive calls, ensure that the DNIS 
entered in the Peripheral Target window is not the actual VDN you want to