Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Alla Risoluzione Dei Problemi

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Troubleshooting Replication Problems
July 2011
Troubleshooting Replication Problems
The following are actions you can take to troubleshoot replication problems.
Ensure that the latest Microsoft SQL Server service pack and updates are 
Ensure there are no firewall issues between the primary and secondary 
systems. For troubleshooting, turn the firewalls off completely on both 
systems. At the minimum, firewall exceptions are required for SQL Server, 
SQL Server Agent, and SQL Server Browser for the SQL Server instance CAD 
uses on both servers. 
Ensure that after running CAD Configuration Setup, you save the SQL settings 
for the Recording and Statistics DB Connection step, 
Ensure that the FCRasSvr database exists. This can be verified by viewing the 
databases present in SQL Server Management Studio. 
If this database does not exist, verify that all the steps in the “Configuring SQL 
Server for CAD” section of the Cisco CAD Installation Guide were correclty 
performed. If all these steps were performed correctly, but the FCRasSvr 
database still cannot be created, this suggests a credentials, permissions, or 
firewall issue prevents the execution of the CAD SQL scripts required to create 
the database. Verify the correctness of these items to allow the creation of 
the database 
Ensure that you can run a query between both systems, from each system. 
Follow these steps:
1. On server A, log in as the user attempting to authenticate into the SQL 
instance (this can be simulated with the Run-As feature in Windows).
2. Open a command prompt, and type the following queries.
For systems using Windows NT Authentication
osql -E -Q -S <ServerA HostName or IP address>\<CAD SQL 
Instance Name> -d FCRasSvr -q "SELECT @@VERSION"
osql -E -Q -S <ServerB HostName or IP address>\<CAD SQL 
Instance Name> -d FCRasSvr -q "SELECT @@VERSION"
For systems using SQL Authentication
osql -U <SQL username> -P <SQL password> -Q -S <ServerA 
HostName or IP address>\<CAD SQL Instance Name> -d FCRasSvr 
osql -U <SQL username> -P <SQL password> -Q -S <ServerB 
HostName or IP address>\<CAD SQL Instance Name> -d FCRasSvr 
3. Repeat the two queries on server B. Ensure that all queries run 
successfully, and that you can see the version information display out to 
the terminal.