Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 4.3.2 Guida Utente

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Network Services Overview
Use Case by Persona
Points of Delivery (PODs)
There are multiple POD (Point of Delivery) types for Cisco IAC 4.3.2:
Compute POD
Network POD
Service Resource Container
Compute PODs let you to specify compute infrastructure. For example, in the case of the Cloud Infrastructure Type, 
VMware vCenter Server, the Compute Pod has selections for Network Pod, vCenter instance, DataCenter, UCS Manager, 
as well as Physical Server Provisioning selections. They work together to associate and assemble Compute and Network 
Compute POD
Cisco IAC 4.3.2 models these Compute PODs so it understands how it is that various infrastructure is associated to other 
infrastructure, so it can empower the cloud administrator with common tools of capacity management of that 
Network POD
Cisco IAC 4.3.2, the network POD allows you to define and select network resources (VLANs, devices, etc.) to be able 
to be referenced by the Compute POD and, ultimately, by the Service Resource Container.
Service Resource Container
Provides a container with information associating an Application Configuration Management (ACM) Platform Element. 
The Service Resource Container (SRC) associates a selected Compute POD with an ACM target PE.