Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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WebView Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 5      The WebView Database
  About the WebView Database
About the WebView Database
The WebView database is used to store, update, maintain, and track saved report definitions, favorites, 
and scheduled report jobs: 
When you save a report definition, the template name, report items, scaling factor, and date/time 
range used to generate the report are stored in the WebView database.
You can access and use saved reports in WebView only if they are stored in the WebView database. 
When you mark a report as a favorite, that user preference is stored with the report in the WebView 
When you update or delete a saved report definition or a scheduled report, that change is saved to 
the WebView database.
When you schedule a report job, that report schedule with its parameters are stored in the WebView 
If you schedule a job to run once, the job is removed from the database after it has executed. 
If you schedule a recurring job, the job remains in the database, executing each day and time that 
you specified, until you delete the job in WebView.
The WebView database stores this data in four Microsoft SQL tables. These tables are described in 
WebView Database Tables, page 4-12
The WebView database is located on the distributor Admin Workstation and can be shared by a group of 
WebView servers, as configured during setup. See the next page for more on the location.