Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C160 Riferimenti tecnici

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Cisco AsyncOS 9.1 for Email CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 3      The Commands: Reference Examples
  General Management/Administration/Troubleshooting
> smime_signing
Enter Common Name:
> CN
Enter Organization:
Enter Organizational Unit:
> OU
Enter Locality or City:
> BN
Enter State or Province:
> KA
Enter Country (2 letter code):
> IN
Duration before expiration (in days):
1. 1024
2. 2048
Enter size of private key:
Enter email address for 'subjectAltName' extension:
Add another member? [Y]> n
Begin entering domain entries for 'subjectAltName'.
Enter the DNS you want to add.
Add another member? [Y]> n
Do you want to view the CSR? [Y]> n
List of Certificates
Name       Common Name           Issued By             Status         Remaining
---------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------  ---------
smime_sig  CN                    CN                    Valid          3649 days
Demo       Cisco Appliance Demo  Cisco Appliance Demo  Active         3329 days
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- IMPORT - Import a certificate from a local PKCS#12 file
- PASTE - Paste a certificate into the CLI
- NEW - Create a self-signed certificate and CSR
- EDIT - Update certificate or view the signing request
- EXPORT - Export a certificate
- DELETE - Remove a certificate
- PRINT - View certificates assigned to services