Blue Coat McAfee Anti-Virus for ProxyAV, EDU, 5000-9999u, 2Y MCF-EDU-5000-9999-2YR Dépliant

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High performance, Real-time Virus Scanning of Web Content
New viruses, spyware, Trojans, ‘bots, worms, and other malware increasingly use the Web
browser to invade organizations’ PCs. Profit-motivated hackers exploit HTTP and HTTPS
because these are essentially allowed protocols for most organizations, and permitted by
firewalls. This is the weak spot in most security plans. To make matters worse, newer malware
often uses root kits so difficult to remove that administrators are forced to erase the hard drive
and start over. To prevent these increasing costs and headaches, malware must never get to
the PCs where it could execute. 
Virus Scanning at the Internet access point plays a critical role in network security by removing
harmful content at the security perimeter—before it enters and infects the network. Just as
organizations deployed virus scanning on corporate email systems to secure SMTP-based
services, there is a need to deploy virus and malware scanning solutions to protect against
new HTTP and HTTPS threats that utilize Web-based services.
Why Use Blue Coat SG to Virus Scan Web Objects?
Integrated Web Anti-virus (AV) System
– Blue Coat SG supports gateway AV Scanning by
integrating with Blue Coat AV
appliances, or ICAP-Compliant AV servers. Blue Coat SG with
content caching provides a scan-once-serve-many-times solution, to increase performance of
HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP virus scanning. When AV updates are applied, Blue Coat SG intelligently
rescans cached content based on user demand, maximizing bandwidth gains and improving the
user experience. Blue Coat AV™ provides additional performance gains by tracking checksum
“fingerprints” of many non-cachable objects, and avoiding unnecessary scanning if the identical
object is downloaded again. Additionally, Blue Coat AV’s integration with Blue Coat SG leverages
an extended ICAP+ protocol with the improved error and exception handling required to
efficiently and effectively deal with enterprise Web traffic.
Scalable Performance
– The Blue Coat SG runs on a purpose-built, secure operating system
specifically designed to provide fault tolerance, scalability and performance required for the
largest Web AV installations. Latency remains flat with Blue Coat SG and one or more Blue
Coat AV (or ICAP compliant AV) servers allow the integrated system to scale performance.
Layered Security
– Web AV with Blue Coat SG provides a choice of AV engines allowing
enterprises to leverage “Vendor A” for their network virus scanning and “Vendor B” for their
desktops, servers and gateways. Comprehensive Blue Coat policies and method-level controls
in the Blue Coat SG stop worm outbreaks where virus signatures fall short.
Blue Coat SG
with Web Virus Scanning
Blue Coat SG with Web virus
scanning enables
organizations to:
Improve corporate security
by scanning for viruses,
trojans and worms that
utilize Web-based
Synchronize AV updates
with Blue Coat SG cached
content to avoid re-infecting
users while maintaining
bandwidth gains
Perform health checks of
virus scanning servers, 
plus load balance multiple
servers for scalability 
Control Web content and
Web virus scanning in one
integrated system with
centralized policy
Interoperate with Blue Coat
AV appliances or ICAP-
compliant AV servers with 
a choice of AV engines
Blue Coat AV utilizes
engines from:
- Kaspersky
- McAfee
- Panda
- Sophos
- Ahn Lab
Blue Coat SG integration
with ICAP-compliant AV
solutions (e.g. Symantec)
Reference our TechBriefs 
for details about Web AV
integration with Blue Coat SG
S e c u r e   a n d   A c c e l e r a t e   Yo u r   B u s i n e s s