Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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How to enter the information required for EDMT to backup the migration source database
Step 1
Host Name/IP Address
Windows Share Name
Windows Share Domain
Windows Share Username
Windows Share Password
Step 2
Continue to the Restore Location panel.
How to enter the restore location for the data file and the log file
Step 1
Click the appropriate field and enter the following information:
Data File Location
Log File Location
Note: You can also Browse to the desired location for the data file or the log file.
Step 2
Click Next to continue to the Migration Control panel.
Migration Control Panel
This EDMT panel allows you to start or terminate the data migration. It also displays the status
of the data migration process.
Figure 10: Migration Control Panel
Indicates the completion status of the migration progress after Start Migration is clicked. As each task
of the database migration completes, the Migration Progress moves one bar. Some tasks take longer
than others and this is reflected in the movement of the progress bar.
Note: If an error occurs during the migration process, the Migration Progress bar changes from its
standard color to red.
When Start Migration is clicked, a warning appears stating:
Upgrade Guide Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 18: Enhanced Database Migration Tool for ICM/IPCC 7.0
Technology Refresh Migration Sequence