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Verify the Network Library protocol order (Named Pipes first, then TCP/IP) using the
SQL Client Network Utility.
Support Tools Considerations for Upgrades
Before upgrading any of the ICM Core components (using either the Technology Refresh or
the Common Ground method), upgrade the existing ICM Support Tools server to version 2.0.
This is required for compatibility with the Version 2.0 Support Tools agents which is installed
on the ICM nodes during the upgrade process. The Version 2.0 Support Tools server is compatible
with older Support Tools agents.
Active Directory and DNS Considerations for Upgrades
Active Directory Considerations for Technology Refresh Upgrades
This upgrade method includes the process of migrating users from one domain to another using
the Domain Conversion Tool. The new servers must be in the Active Directory domain in the
appropriate ICM organization unit. IP connectivity and remote access must be validated.
For the ICM/IPCC 7.0(0) release, the Logger cannot be the AD domain controller. When setting
up the Active Directory environment, if the existing Loggers are also domain controllers, it may
be necessary to migrate the domain controller roles to new non-ICM servers prior to the upgrade.
Using the Active Directory tools provided with the Windows operating system, bring up the
new domain controllers on the domain in which the ICM operates, transfer any applicable
flexible single master operations (FSMO) roles, and then demote the domain controller on the
production Logger to a member server. Refer to "Migrating Active Directory and DNS to a
Non-ICM Server" for additional information.
Note: The Windows 2000 Operating System is not supported for ICM/IPCC release 7.0(0)
Technology Refresh upgrades.
Active Directory Considerations for Common Ground Upgrades
Before undertaking a Common Ground upgrade, the Active Directory environment (whether
corporate or dedicated to the ICM/IPCC applications) be configured or staged. The Windows
Firewall configuration scripts must be deployed before ICM/IPCC servers can accept network
The new Active Directory environment must be set up prior to beginning the upgrade process.
For the ICM/IPCC 7.0(0) release, the Loggers cannot host the AD domain controllers. If this
is the existing configuration, it is necessary to migrate the domain controllers to a non-ICM
Upgrade Guide Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 6: Setting Up the Hardware
Support Tools Considerations for Upgrades