Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Riferimenti tecnici

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ACD Configuration 
2.1  4400 Restrictions 
For proper functioning of the Unified ICM, there must be certain 
restrictions placed on the 4400 configuration and operation. These are 
summarized in the following two sections. 
2.1.1   Configuration Restrictions 
Pilot to Queue Directions 
On the 4400, a Pilot may have up to 10 directions linking it to the 4400 
queues (Refer to Item 1 in Figure 2: Alcatel 4400 Distribution Model)
These queues may consist of waiting queues, virtual queues, and dummy 
queues. Only one (1) waiting queue direction is allowed. In other words, 
no priority is assigned in the Unified ICM because only one queue-
direction is supported. 
Skill Group Length Limitation 
Skill groups (Processing Groups) on the 4400 should be limited to 7 
decimal digits maximum. This restriction applies both for configuration on 
the 4400, and within the Unified ICM. 
However, it is possible to overcome this limitation by using the following 
method that can alternatively be used to configure skill groups.  
Normally, the processing group (Skill Group) number as known on the 
Alcatel 4400 is entered in the peripheral Number field of the Skill Group 
Table. In cases where the length of the skill group number on the 4400 
exceeds 7 digits, a unique number should be placed in the peripheral 
number field of the skill group table. The number as known on the 
peripheral should be entered in the extension field of the skill group 
For example, if the skill group (Processing group) on the peripheral is 
12345678, you would enter any unique number in the peripheral number 
field, let‟s say „345678‟, and you would enter „12345678‟ in the extension 
There need not be any relation between the number used in the 
Peripheral # and the actual skill group number on the switch. In the 
above example, we could have used „1‟ for the peripheral number of skill 
group 12345678. For more related information, please refer to section 
3.17 CTI Considerations.  
2.1.2   Operational Restrictions 
It is absolutely imperative that the configuration on the Unified ICM 
matches that of the Alcatel 4400. This requires that no manual changes be 
done to the configuration during normal operations. Scheduled changes 
may be used so long as, when the 4400 changes configuration, the Unified 
ICM simultaneously schedules a new script and routing configuration 
based on the call-type.