Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Route: Gary.Sales
Peripheral target: DNIS: 1111, Trunk group: Gary.Incoming800
Label: 3010000000
How to Check VRU Scripts
Call Tracer allows you to simulate responses from VRU routing scripts. For each Script node
the ICM software encounters, you can specify one of the following responses:
Fail. The ICM software treats the External Script nodes as though it had failed.
No Response. The ICM software assumes it received no response from the Run External
Script node.
Response. You can specify a CED value and values for Variable1 through Variable10. The
ICM software assumes these values were returned by the External Script node.
To check VRU scripts:
1. In the Call Tracer dialog box, click Add. The VRU Response dialog box opens.
2. Select the type of response (Fail, No Response, Response) the Call Tracer is to simulate.
3. If you chose Response in Step 2, optionally specify values to be returned for CED and
Variable1 through Variable10.
4. Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box.
Note: You can also set the initial condition of the 10 call variables for the first run of the External
Scripting and Media Routing Guide Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted Release 7.5(1)
Chapter 4: Selecting Routing Targets
Checking Targets