Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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If an ECC variable has been defined, but never assigned a value, it will not have a row in the
Termination Call Variable table when a Termination Call Detail record is written.
Generally speaking, ECC values are passed from leg to leg on the call. Once a value has been
assigned, the value is recorded in the Termination Call Variable for every Termination Call
Detail Segment. Note, however, that this depends on how each new call segment is created. If
it does not involve translation routes or IPCC, and is outside the original peripheral, ECC
variables, like all call variables, cannot be propagated.
ICM software is delivered with some ECC variables, and you can create others through
Configuration Manager. For more information, see the 
Persistent vs Non-Persistent Call Variables
When IPCC/ICM writes call data records to its historical database, it can store the values of all
call variables. Storing excessive call variable data can degrade historical database performance.
When defining a call variable (in ICM Config Manager or System IPCC Web Admin), you have
the option of tagging it as either persistent or non-persistent. Only persistent call variables are
written to the historical database. Non-persistent variables can be used in routing scripts, but
will not be written to the database.
Expanded Call Context Variables for E-Mail Manager Messages
Each E-Mail Manager message routed through ICM software has three associated ECC variables:
cisco.cem.Priority - The priority of the message. The value of the Priority variable, which is
"0" through "3"
"0" for Normal
"1" for High
"2" for Very High
"3" for Urgent
Note: The priority if set through the E-Mail Manager rules. The value of the variable can be
used to categorize the contact in a script.
cisco.cem.Category - The categories of the message. The categories variable is an array
containing up to 10 category values. Category values are configured by the E-Mail Manager
administrator. The value of the variable can be used to categorize the contact in a script.
cisco.cem.MessageKey - The unique identifier of the message that E-Mail Manager is
requesting ICM software to route. While typically the Message Key would not be used to
categorize a contact in a script, it may be useful when ICM software is integrated with a
CRM application; the Message Key could be recorded in the CRM database for future
reference to e-mail correspondence with a customer.
Scripting and Media Routing Guide Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted Release 7.5(1)
Chapter 7: Using Formulas