Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Nota Di Rilascio

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Hosted NAM/CICM Model 
Cisco provides specific hot fixes to major releases and service packs of the ICM software to address 
service-impacting issues.  You can download hot fixes from Cisco’s Web site (
and apply them after the initial load of the software.  The hot fix installation process only applies fixes 
required for the specific software modules (CallRouter, Logger, type of PG, etc.). 
Step 40. 
Create Logger Databases 
After running the ICM Logger setup program and applying all hot fixes, you need to use the ICMDBA tool 
to finish the SQL Server configuration and build the actual ICM databases on the machine. You also use 
this tool on the Admin Workstation to create the Historical Database Server database (HDS). 
For each Logger: 
1. Click 
Start > Run, enter ICMDBA and click OK
2.  Click on the Server Name you want to change (Logger A or Logger B). 
3.  Select Create from the Database menu. 
4.  The ICMDBA question prompts you to configure SQL Server. Click Yes
5.  On the Configure Logger Screen, if the current value does not equal the recommended value, check the 
Configuration Box and verify that the new value equals the recommended value. Click OK
6. Click 
Yes to continue. SQL Server stops and restarts. 
7.  Create the Database Screen. Select Region. 
8.  Click Add. Enter Data for the Type. 
9.  Highlight the D drive. –The size should be 70% of the available disk space if the Logger is for one 
customer instance only. If more than one instance resides on the Loggers, determine database size with 
a customer. Click OK
10. Click Add. Log is the type. 
11.  Highlight the D drive and set the size to 200MB (do not make the log device larger than 500MB). Click 
12. Click Create. Click Start to Create Database. When the database is successfully completed, click OK 
and Close the database window. 
13. Close ICMDBA. 
14. Click START > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager
15.  Expand the Server Tree and Highlight the Databases Folder under the Server name. 
16.  Double-click on the ICM Database in the right panel. You are now in the <cus_sideA> Properties 
17.  On the Data Files Tab: 
  Check Autogrow and set the File Growth to 10%. 
  Set the Maximum File Size to [use the following calculation]. 
{80% of free disk space}/{number of ICM database files on this disk}+{database file current 
Example: {10GB * .80}/{1}+{25GB}=33GB 
18.  On the Transaction Log Tab, uncheck Autogrow and click OK
Step 41. 
Install ICM Software on CallRouters 
ICM Nodes Forms, which identify all values and non-default settings used in setup, are created in the 
Planning phase of a deployment program and reside in the ICM System Design Specification. 
Cisco provides specific hot fixes to major releases and service packs of the ICM software to address 
service-impacting issues.  You can download hot fixes from Cisco’s web site (
Release 6.0(0) Staging on Windows 2000