Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Nota Di Rilascio

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Hosted NAM/CICM Model 
  Pgagent: in service and active to one side of central controller 
  [peripheral] PIMs: enabled in setup – and therefore, is cycling between 
activating and idle 
CTI Server: 
Cg[#]ctisvr: active with configured port number 
CTIOS Server: 
Ctios Server: active with configured port number – driver online 
Ctidriver: active 
Step 53. 
Install and Start Blended Agent Dialer 
1.  Configure Blended Agent Dialer in the ICM Configuration Manager. Open Configuration Manager > 
Blended Agent > Blended Agent Dialer 
2.  Retrieve and click ADD
Enter the Dialer Name. For example: ba1_dialer 
Check the “enable” box 
Enter the Computer Name where Blended Agent Dialer is installed. For  example: icmcusba1 
From the ICM Peripheral Name menu, select the name of the Blended Agent PIM on the MR PG. 
For example: BA1. 
Enter the data in the local area code field even if this will be reconfigured later for the production 
environment. Click save and close. 
3.  Validate that the Blended Agent option is enabled on Logger. 
4.  Create BA Database on Logger A - On Logger A run ICMDBA 
Highlight Logger A, right click and select “create” from the database menu. 
On the Create Database Screen:  
The Database type is BA_SideA 
Add a Device (see Cisco ICM Software Blended Agent Setup and Configuration 
Guide for database estimation information) 
  Click Data. Highlight the D drive. Enter 500MB and click OK
  For the Log, highlight the D drive, enter 100MB and click OK
Click Create > Start and when finished click OK and Close. Close ICMDBA. 
5.  Complete the setup on Blended Agent Dialer Server from the ICM media for the respective ICM Node 
Form, which identifies all values and non-default settings to be used in setup. 
6.  After reboot, start the Dialer process. 
Verify that the ICM Processes have no errors: 
Router: running and synchronized with its peer 
Ccagent: connected to all configured peripheral gateways 
Rtsvr: the feed is activated to AW 
Logger: connected to its respective database and synchronized with the peer. MDS is in 
CampaignManager: the process is running on the logger and connected to the Blended 
Agent Dialer 
Admin Workstation: 
Updateaw: displays “waiting for new work” 
Iseman: listen thread waiting for client connection 
Cms_jserver: cmsnode.exe process is active 
Cmsnode: initialization complete 
Peripheral Gateways: 
Generic (IPCC & VRU) PG 
  Mdsproc: in service 
Release 6.0(0) Staging on Windows 2000