Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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The ICM Components
The principal ICM components are:
CallRouter. The component of the Central Controller that makes routing decisions and both
gathers and distributes data from remote sites;  generally referred to in this document simply
as the Router. (Central Controller is the term used when discussing a CallRouter/Logger
Logger. The component of the Central Controller that controls the central database.
Admin Workstation. The human interface to ICM software. An Admin Workstation (AW)
can be located at any central or remote site. It allows users to monitor call handling within
the system and make changes to configuration data or routing scripts.
Network Interface Controller. The NIC is the interface between the ICM platform and the
Interexchange Carrier signaling network.
Peripheral Gateway. The interface between the ICM platform and third-party hardware in
each contact center, such as an ACD. A Peripheral Gateway (PG) is typically located at the
contact center.
CTI Server. The (optional) component that allows an external CTI application to communicate
with a Peripheral Gateway.
WebView. The (optional) component that provides web-based contact center reporting.
The ICM Software CD contains the software for all of these components. You can install any
component from the ICM Setup program.
Duplexed Components
To allow ICM software to continue operating when a single node fails, all major components
of the system can be duplicated on separate nodes, or duplexed. This allows the system to be
fault-tolerant; that is, to continue operating when a component fails.
For example, two computers can run the CallRouter software. If one of those computers fails
for any reason, the other computer continues to run and ICM software continues to operate
without interruption. The CallRouter and Logger processes are typically duplexed and Peripheral
Gateways may be duplexed.
The failure of a single Admin Workstation does not prevent the rest of the ICM system from
operating. Therefore, Admin Workstations are not duplexed.
In a fully duplexed configuration, one CallRouter and one Logger compose one side of the
Central Controller; the other CallRouter and Logger compose the other side. The sides are called
Side A and Side B.
ICM Installation Guide for Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition Release 7.0(0)
The ICM Components