Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida All'Installazione

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Step 4
If the application is duplexed, in the Side B section, for that side, specify in the Hostname field
the application's IP address or hostname and in the Port Number field the PG port number that
connects to it.
Step 5
Click OK.
This returns you to the Application Bridge Server Applications dialog box.
See Also
For the Application Bridge Server Applications dialog box, 
How to Install a DMS-100 CompuCALL Server Gateway
For a DMS-100 ACD, the ICM Peripheral Gateway connects to the DMS-100 CompuCALL
interface. If another application also requires a connection to the DMS-100, then you must
install the CompuCALL Server (CCS) so that the PG and application can share a session on the
DMS-100. Install the CCS after you have installed the PG software.
How to Add a CompuCALL Server Gateway Component
Step 1
In the Cisco ICM Setup dialog box, in the left column under ICM Instances, select an instance.
Step 2
Click Add in the Instance Components section.
The ICM Component Selection dialog box opens.
Step 3
Click CompuCALL Server Gateway.
The CompuCALL Server Gateway Properties dialog box opens.
See Also
How to Set CompuCALL Server Gateway Properties
Step 1
In the CompuCALL Server Gateway Properties dialog box, in the Node Manager Properties
section, choose Production mode and Auto start at system startup unless you are specifically
told otherwise by your ICM support provider.
Step 2
In the CCS node properties section, enter the CCS Gateway ID and the ICM system ID number
for the CCS Node. Since the CCS must be simplexed, Side A is the only option. Choose the
local Drive on which you want to install CCS. Choose the Language from the drop-down list.
ICM Installation Guide for Cisco ICM Enterprise Edition Release 7.0(0)
Peripheral Gateway Setup
How to Install a DMS-100 CompuCALL Server Gateway