Wiley Windows 7 Digital Classroom 978-0-470-56802-6 Manuale Utente

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Self study
Windows 7 Digital Classroom
Self study
Click and right-click the various icons currently on display in the Notifi cation area on 
the right side of the Taskbar, and explore the options and windows that appear.
Press the Ask button in the Windows Help and Support window to learn about 
additional ways to obtain help and support.
What is an operating system?
How many versions of the Windows 7 operating system are there?
How do you obtain Windows Mail, Windows Photo Gallery, and Windows 
Movie Maker?
On what part of the Windows 7 desktop do you fi nd important information about your 
computer, such as whether you are connected to a wireless network, or whether your 
system is in need of attention?
What are the two main ways to fi nd help using the Windows Help and Support Center?
An operating system is a set of programs that enable the computer to perform basic 
tasks, such as recognizing user input from a keyboard or mouse, sending output to the 
computer screen, keeping track of fi les on the hard disk, and controlling peripheral 
devices such as external hard drives and printers. It also acts as an interface between the 
computer and the user, and serves as the host for any other programs, or applications, 
running on the computer, such as word-processing programs, games, web browsers, etc.
In all, there are three versions of the Windows 7 operating system:
Windows 7 Home
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows Mail, Windows Photo Gallery, and Windows Movie Maker—as well as other 
free software for Windows 7 users—are available from Windows Live, a Microsoft-run 
Web site off ering various web services and downloadable applications.
You fi nd this information in the Taskbar’s Notifi cation area. You can click the icon’s 
display in this area to view additional information or to make necessary adjustments.
You can obtain help from the Windows Help and Support Center by searching using a 
keyword or phrase, or by browsing Help topics.
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