Samsung SVETA BMF with Recess Handle, 328 L Manuale Utente

Pagina di 52
safety information
•  Do not install the 
refrigerator in a damp 
place or place where it 
may come in contact 
with water.
- Deteriorated insulation of 
electrical parts may cause an 
electric shock or fire.
•  Do not place this refrigerator 
in direct sunlight or expose to 
the heat from stoves, room 
heaters or other appliance.
•  Do not plug several appliances 
into the same multiple power 
The refrigerator should always 
be plugged into its own 
individual electrical which has 
a voltage rating that matched 
the rating plate.
- This provides the best 
performance and also 
prevents overloading house 
wiring circuits, which could 
cause a fire hazard from 
overheated wires.
•  If the wall socket is loose, do 
not insert the power plug.
- There is a risk of electric 
shock of fire.
•  Do not use a cord that shows 
cracks or abrasion damage 
along its length or at either 
•  Do not bend the power cord 
excessively or place heavy 
articles on it.
•  Do not use aerosols near the 
- Aerosols used near the 
refrigerator may cause an 
explosion or fire.
•  This refrigerator must be 
properly installed and 
located in accordance 
with the manual before it 
is used.
•  Connect the power plug in 
proper position with the cord 
hanging down.
- If you connect the power plug 
upside down, wire can get cut 
off and cause fire or electric 
•  Make sure that the power plug 
is not squashed or damaged 
by the back of the refrigerator.
•  When moving the refrigerator, 
be careful not to roll over or 
damage the power cord.
- This constitutes a fire hazard.
•  The appliance must be 
positioned so that the plug is 
accessible after installation.
DA99-02116C-07.indb   04
DA99-02116C-07.indb   04
14. 8. 13.   
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