Apple postproduction Manuale

Pagina di 32
Importing QuickTime Video Files Into Soundtrack
Soundtrack supports standard QuickTime-compatible video file formats. You can 
import QuickTime movie (.mov) or MPEG-2 (.m2v) files into Soundtrack, including files 
using NTSC, PAL, and other codecs supported by QuickTime. Imported video files can 
be up to 4 hours in length (large files can have an impact on playback performance, 
especially if the video is compressed). 
To import a QuickTime video file into Soundtrack, do one of the following:
Locate the file using the File Browser pane of the Soundtrack Media Manager, then 
drag the file to either the Video pane of the Viewer or the video track in the Timeline.
Drag the file from the Finder to either the Video pane of the Viewer or the video track 
in the Timeline.
Note:  If you are making roundtrips between Final Cut Pro HD and Soundtrack, see 
the section “Roundtrips Between Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack” in Chapter 8 of 
Soundtrack Help for more information on moving back and forth between the two 
DVD and Web Distribution
It doesn’t matter how good your postproduction tools are if no one can see the movie. 
Once you’ve completed your movie, how are you going to get it to your audience? 
Having a plan for distribution in advance is crucial so that viewers see your movie as 
soon as possible. 
DVD Studio Pro makes it fast and easy to create professional DVDs in a variety of styles. 
Every aspect of authoring is customizable, but when you’re in a hurry, you can modify 
one of the included template designs to finish your DVDs even faster. Motion projects 
can be used as motion menus and Alpha Transitions to allow you to create a custom 
DVD project. You can use Compressor to export high-quality MPEG-2 movies from 
Final Cut Pro HD, or for special projects requiring more video content, MPEG-1 movies. 
A.Pack helps you convert your multichannel audio, such as stereo or 5.1 surround 
sound, into compressed, DVD-compliant, Dolby Digital AC-3 audio files. Most new 
Power Mac and PowerBook computers include the DVD Player application, which can 
be used to test and simulate DVD projects before you commit them to DVD-R discs.
You can also use Compressor to convert your finished Final Cut Pro HD projects to 
MPEG-1 and MPEG-4 video for online web and Internet delivery. The speed and quality 
of Compressor MPEG video rivals the most expensive, high-end hardware 
compression systems.
42708APP  Page 24  Tuesday, June 8, 2004  3:05 PM