Apple postproduction Manuale

Pagina di 32
Cinema Tools
Cinema Tools, in combination with Final Cut Pro HD, provides tools designed to make 
both editing film digitally and working with the emerging 24P video standard easier 
and more cost effective, providing functionality previously found only on high-end or 
very specialized editing systems.
A Cinema Tools 
batch capture list
 is a list of the source clips entered in a Cinema Tools 
database. With this list (and appropriate device control), Final Cut Pro HD can capture 
and digitize the appropriate takes from your telecine transfer tapes with minimum 
effort on your part.
To export a batch capture list from Cinema Tools for Final Cut Pro HD:
Make sure that the List View window displays the database records of the clips you 
want to capture. 
The batch capture list will only include database records that have a video 
reel, timecode start, and timecode duration. Also, any database records that are already 
connected to a clip do not appear in the batch capture list.
Choose File > Export > Batch Capture.
In the Export dialog, choose what you want to capture:
Final Cut Pro Video:  
Choose this option to capture all video and audio contained in 
the source clips. When you choose this option, the batch capture list includes the 
video reel and video timecode entered in each clip’s database record.
Final Cut Pro Audio:  
Choose this option to capture only the audio from the source 
clips. When you choose this option, the batch capture list includes the sound roll and 
sound timecode entered in each clip’s database record.
Click OK.
In the dialog that appears, select a location and enter a name for the batch capture list.
Once you have exported a batch capture list from Cinema Tools, you can import it into 
Final Cut Pro HD.
42708APP  Page 5  Tuesday, June 8, 2004  3:05 PM