AASTRA phone 312 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 82
Unpacking and installing the phone
The packaging contains: 
• Aastra Phone 312 handset
• Charging point
• Mains adapter plug (100 - 240V/50 – 60 Hz) with connecting cable (3 m)
• One battery (stuck into the battery cover)
• MEM card (installed or separate depending on the model)
• Belt clip
• Instruction manual (abridged version)
Installing the charging point
Your phone is produced for normal use conditions. Furniture today is coated with a highly-visible
variety of varnishes and plastics and treated with different varnish servicing products. It cannot be
ruled out that some of these products will contain components, which corrode and soften the plastic
feet of the charging point. Device feet, which have been altered in this way by foreign products,
could leave unpleasant marks on the surface of the furniture.
For obvious reasons, the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for this type of damage. There-
fore please use a non-slip mat for your charging point, particularly when it is installed on new furni-
ture, or furniture which has been freshly treated with varnish servicing products.
• Please observe the following:
The AC connection should be within the reach of the cable supplied.
• Please also ensure that the charging point is not installed in the opening area of doors or win-
dows. This could lead to damage.