Acomdata m-hdxxxuhe5-72 Manuale Utente

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Before you learn anything else about using your HybridDrive
you should learn how to properly turn it off and disconnect
it from your computer. The procedure is very simple, but if
not done correctly, you could lose data or damage the Drive
and your computer.
About Mounting and Unmounting
Apart from physically connecting an external hard drive
to a computer, before a hard drive can be used, it must be
"mounted" to your operating system. This means the system
has recognized the drive and established a communications
link with it. If the drive contains more than one recognizable
partition (like your HybridDrive), each partition will mount
as a separate volume.
Mounting occurs automatically when you turn on a drive.
However, if you wish to turn off or disconnect a hard drive
while the computer is running, you must first manually
unmount its mounted volume(s).
Never turn off or disconnect a hard drive from a running computer without 
unmounting it first. You may lose data or damage the drive.
How to Safely Turn Off & Disconnect the Drive