Samsung SVMI-4 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 124
To log into the system press the ‘Esc.’ Key and enter the password, the default
password is 0000. You will now be at the System Administration Main menu.
And are ready to begin programming. 
The key-strokes available to you during editing can be viewed by pressing F1,
and are as follows:
Navigation Keys Help                   
Ctrl + E  
Save and RETURN TO Starting Facility               
Ctrl + A  
Save Block As                                   
Ctrl + O  
Save and OPEN Block or Prompt Text under Cursor            
Ctrl + R  
Save and RETURN TO LAST Block in Control Path               
Ctrl + N 
Save and OPEN Next Block of Same Type or Template Blocks    
Ctrl + V 
Save and OPEN Previous Block of Same Type or Templates      
Ctrl + F
Find blocks that refer to the current block                 
Sort in Current Object or Facility
Programming - Page 44