Pinnacle Speakers DEKO500 Manuale Utente

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Deko500 User’s Guide
Ramp. See also Shader
applying to detail, 61
background, 75
group, 61
highlighting, 61, 62
opacity, 61
scaling, 62
Reading files. See Opening files
Record Macro command, 113
Record Macro Command, 156
Recording files. See Saving files
Rectangle. See also Layer
adding to graphic, 79
defining box of, 80
hiding, 81
specifying properties of, 80–81
transforming, 80
Redo command, 152
Render and Save Style command, 72
Render and Save Style Command, 154
Replace Background command, 75, 154
Replace Background Key command, 76, 154
Replace command, 34, 152
Replace Layers command, 154
Reset Current Layout command, 163
Reset to Defaults command, 157, 159, 160
specifying, 105
Return command, 129
Returns, 125
Reveal, 90
Reverse Baseline command, 32
Reverse Baseline Command, 150
Roll, 89, 92–93
Rotate & Skew command, 24, 25, 86, 88, 156
layer, 86–87
text, 25, 41
Row spacing, 30, 41
Safe title area
defining, 104
displaying or hiding, 104
Save As command, 67, 69, 71, 91, 109, 116
Save As Command, 154
Save command, 67, 69, 71, 109, 117
Save Command, 154
Save Settings Now Command, 156
Save Settings on Exit Command, 156
a graphic, 14
a macro, 116–17
a pre-rendered style, 42, 71–72, 71–72
a sequence, 91
a style, 69
files, 108–9
preset shaders, 59, 67
prompt before, 82, 101
Scale & Width command, 27, 29, 87, 157
layer, 87
ramp, 62
text, 27–28, 78
Screen units, 41, 77, 80, 103, 105
defined, 184
Select All command, 152
Select Field command, 152
Select Layers command, 152
Select Layout command, 113, 116, 117, 163
Select More command, 152
Select Next Layer command, 155
Select Previous Layer command, 155
Select Style command, 152
details, 45
events, 94
layer, 81
tab stop, 37
text, 21
typeface, 22
Send Back One Layer command, 155
Send to Back command, 84, 155
appending to another sequence, 91
creating, 90–95
effects available for, 89–90
pausing, 96
playing, 96
resuming paused, 97
saving, 91
specifying events of, 90–95
starting event of, 96
stopping, 98
Sequence command, 90, 162
Sequence menu commands, 157–58
Set Intime to Current Timecode command, 161
Set Intime to Outtime command, 134, 161
Set Outtime to Current Timecode command, 161
Set Outtime to Intime command, 134, 161
Set Ramp Bottom Left Color command, 159
Set Ramp Bottom Right Color command, 159
Set Ramp Hilite Color command, 159
Set Ramp Top Left Color command, 159
Set Ramp Top Right Color command, 159
Set Shader Color command, 159
Shader. See also Color, Ramp, Texture
activating, 60
background, 60, 75
edge, 48
face, 46, 47
frame, 56