Cobra 8591 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 30
 Answering System Operation
This is a tapeless, all-digital answering system.  All messages, memos and
greeting are digitally recorded and stored in solid state memory.  This
memory will hold up to 20 minutes of recorded messages; incoming
message recording time as well as memo recording time is 60 seconds per
message.  To prevent the loss of recorded messages and greeting in the
event of a power outage, install a 9v  battery in the compartment on the
bottom of the unit (battery not included).  When system is first installed,
digital display will “count down” from 10 to 0.  This is the system set up
and will happen any time power is reconnected to system.
(If Digital display is flashing Gr, no greeting is stored)
1. Press and hold GREETING button
2. Record your greeting after the beep—you have up to
60 seconds recording time  (for best results, speak
approximately 6 inches from microphone, see p. 4 for
microphone location
3. Release GREETING button; greeting will automatically play back to you.
4. To check your greeting, press and release GREETING button quickly.  To
re-record your greeting, follow steps 1-3 above.
 If you are using the individual mailboxes, make sure you have
instructed callers in your greeting how to direct their calls.
business use): "Thank you for calling (Name) Enterprises. We cannot speak
to you personally right now, but your call is very important to us. To leave a
message for (Customer Service), please press zero then 1; for (Order Depart-
ment), press zero then 2; for (Sales Department), press zero then 3; for
(Marketing Manager), press zero then 4; please speak after you hear the
beep. To leave a message for general information, no code is necessary. You
will have up to 60 seconds to speak. Thank you again for calling; we will
return your call as soon as possible.
" EXAMPLE (for home use): "You have
reached (your phone number or family name). We can't come to the phone
right now. To leave a message for (Mr. Smith), please press zero then 1; for
(Mrs. Smith), press zero then 2; for (John), press zero then 3; for (Jane), press
zero then 4; please speak after you hear the beep. For a general message, no
code is necessary. You will have 60 seconds to speak. Thank you for calling;
we will return your call as soon as possible.
" Remember not to say you are
out of the house or out of town on your greeting; this can help prevent
(If Digital display is flashing CL, no  day or time is
When you set today’s day and time, you will hear
an announcement after every message during playback to
tell you the day and time the message was recorded.