Bard CH5S1 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 28
Manual 2100-455M 
19 of 28
DeFrOst cYcle
The defrost cycle is controlled by temperature and time on the 
solid state heat pump control.
When the outdoor temperature is in the lower 40°F 
temperature range or colder, the outdoor coil temperature is 
32°F or below.  This coil temperature is sensed by the coil 
temperature sensor mounted near the bottom of the outdoor 
coil.  Once coil temperature reaches 30°F or below, the 
coil temperature sensor sends a signal to the control logic 
of the heat pump control and the defrost timer will start 
accumulating run time.
After 30, 60 or 90 minutes of heat pump operation at 30°F 
or below, the heat pump control will place the system in the 
defrost mode.
During the defrost mode, the refrigerant cycle switches back 
to the cooling cycle, the outdoor motor stops, electric heaters 
are energized, and hot gas passing through the outdoor coil 
melts any accumulated frost.  When the temperature rises to 
approximately 57°F, the coil temperature sensor will send a 
signal to the heat pump control which will return the system 
to heating operations automatically.
If some abnormal or temporary condition such as a high wind 
causes the heat pump to have a prolonged defrost cycle, the 
heat pump control will restore the system to heating operation 
automatically after 8 minutes. 
The heat pump defrost control board has an option of 30, 60 
or 90-minute setting.  By default, this unit is shipped from 
the factory with the defrost time on the 60 minute pin.  If 
circumstances require a change to another time, remove 
the wire from the 60-minute terminal and reconnect to the 
desired terminal.  Refer to Figure 12.
There is a cycle speed up jumper on the control.  This can be 
used for testing purposes to reduce the time between defrost 
cycle operation without waiting for time to elapse.
Use a small screwdriver or other metallic object, or another 
¼ inch QC, to short between the SPEEDUP terminals to 
accelerate the HPC timer and initiate defrost.
Be careful not to touch any other terminals with the instrument 
used to short the SPEEDUP terminals.  It may take up to 
10 seconds with the SPEEDUP terminals shorted for the 
speedup to be completed and the defrost cycle to start.
As soon as the defrost cycle kicks in remove the shorting 
instrument from the SPEEDUP terminals.  Otherwise the 
timing will remain accelerated and run through the 1-minute 
minimum defrost length sequence in a matter of seconds and 
will automatically terminate the defrost sequence. 
MIS-2668 A
FIGure  12 — DeFrOst cOntrOl bOarD