games-pc spy hunter Manuale Utente

Pagina di 14
The G-6155 Interceptor is equipped with the latest in high-tech weaponry,
both offensive and defensive. As your missions continue, your vehicle will
be upgraded with the latest in IES weapons technology. These upgrades
are available for both offensive and defensive weaponry.
If you are being followed by NOSTRA agents, use the Interceptor’s
defensive weapons. These weapons (located on Page 19) include an Oil
Slick, Smoke Screen and Flamethrower. Proper use of defensive
weapons is vital for any agent if they are to complete their missions
The Interceptor is also fully equipped with a powerful arsenal of offensive
weapons. Your stock machine guns will upgrade to become even more
deadly. New IES technology allows for precise deployment of missiles as
well as EMP (electromagnetic pulse) blasts. Perhaps the most significant
improvement in offensive weapons is the Rail Gun. The Rail Gun is the
pinnacle of IES weapons technology and is the most powerful weapon
yet to date.
Throughout some missions, you will be required to find and activate IES
tracking units called SATCOMs. These global-tracking units allow for IES
forces to monitor your activity and provide necessary replenishments via a
Weapons Van or Weapons Boat per mission.
Located in every mission you will find a weapons vehicle. These are either
in the form of a van or boat. When a weapons vehicle is in close proximity to
the Interceptor, you will be notified. Find the van or boat and proceed
towards the rear of the vehicle. When you are within range of the vehicle,
you will be automatically taken aboard it. After a brief period, your
Interceptor will emerge, fully armed (weapons replenished), fully repaired
(full health) and the Interceptor’s turbo chargers will be full as well.
The Interceptor is equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) Tracker
units. These units when deployed, will attach themselves to any vehicle
which IES wants to track. These vehicles usually are cargo trucks or ships.
When approaching one of these vehicles, simply fire a GPS Tracker
towards it. Only a direct hit will activate the tracking unit. Do not, under
any circumstances, destroy the targeted vehicle. This will result in mission
failure and could have disastrous consequences.
Before continuing your IES Agent briefing, here are a few bits of information
you may find valuable out in the field.
Each mission you are assigned to should have a WRV (Weapons 
Replenishment Vehicle) stationed locally. Proper use of Interceptor 
weapons is highly suggested, as a WRV may not be in your location 
when you need one.
While IES has made every effort to map out your mission surroundings,
some locations may provide shortcuts or other hidden passageways.
Keep an eye out for any alternate paths you may encounter.
Please study the Enemy Data portion of this briefing (Pages 22-24) 
before engaging NOSTRA agents. NOSTRA has equipped their 
weapons with powerful weapons as well as increasing the armor on 
others. IES has equipped the Interceptor with the latest in weapons 
technology, but unfortunately some NOSTRA vehicles may be unaffected
by certain Interceptor weapons.
Before each mission begins (at the mission loading screen), pay close 
attention to what’s displayed on the screen. Key information on 
mission objectives as well as the potential hint can help you complete
your assignments.
While details cannot be specified by IES at the moment, we have 
received information that an additional mission will be assigned for 
those agents who prove themselves in the field. No other information 
is available at the moment.