games-pc serf city Manuale Utente

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mine or warehouse is in flames, then
your serfdom’s stability may also be
going up in smoke.
When you have built your first guard
huts and they are occupied by knights,
you see flags with a thick cross. All
guard huts that are located near the
enemy’s territory and that can be target-
ed for attack are marked by this cross. 
Special-click on any enemy building
having a thick cross on its flag. A new
window appears allowing you to enter
the number of knights you want to
have attack it. The four numbers in the
middle indicate the number of avail-
able knights, and then numbers for
knights  in the surrounding areas, far
away, or very far away. The distance is
not an essential factor but the knights
will need more time to reach the
enemy. If all the numbers are zeros,
there are not enough knights in your
buildings. You should know that all the
knights that enter a building cannot be
sent into battle because you need some
to defend the building should it be
attacked by enemies.
Launch a new attack; two arrows allow
you to modify the number of knights
that attack the enemy. 
If you have sent all your available
knights into combat, you cannot launch
other attacks. You see, however, other
knights immediately leave your castle to
replace those who have left for battle.
When you seize an enemy building,
you receive a message.
Enemy knights engage each other should
they, by coincidence, meet somewhere
on the map.
If the enemy attacks you at an important
corner of your serfdom, look for the
enemy garrison nearest the battle and
give the order to attack this building. If
your knights meet the enemies on their
march, they attack the troops where
they meet them. Of course, the enemies
must be visible; if there are hills separat-
ing the soldiers, they can march parallel
to each other and be totally unaware of
the other.
Here’s a final point that does not con-
cern the knights, but rather your rural
property: do not construct civilian
buildings near the enemy frontier. If the
enemy constructs a guard hut near the
frontier at the same time you start
building there, but he finishes before
you do, he will burn down 
any of your
unfinished construction.
Garrisons situated near the frontier are
of no help to you because construction
takes too long. You can try to finish
guard huts before your opponents do,
or place your buildings in safer loca-
tions to begin with. Naturally, you can
use this strategy against your opponents
if they had the bad idea of constructing
large buildings too close to the frontier.
The Training Games
The objective of this training game is to
conquer certain buildings with your
knights. Left-click on the overhead map
and examine the locations of the
enemy’s buildings. Choose a location
close to the enemy so that you do not
have to travel very far to attack.
Construct guard huts around your
frontier. While your serfs are working,
we can take a look at the knights. 
There are five kinds of knights in the
game. When you receive a new knight,
he starts at the lowest level. He can,
however, receive training in the main
castle (or later in a warehouse) and
change levels. A knight can also receive
training in a guard tower or in the gar-
risons, but he progresses very slowly
because he has to work at the same
time. However, during his service he
will not improve his skills if he sits in a
guard hut.
The advantages and disadvantages
are clear: if you leave the knights in
the castle, they become well-trained,
but your city will be poorly guarded.
If you send your knights outside, your
buildings will be well-guarded but
the enemy may have more powerful
knights that could pose problems for
you. If you have built several towers
and guard huts, your knights will go
to them. In this training game, how-
ever, your opponents are defenseless.
You only attack castles, garrisons, guard
towers, or guard huts belonging to the
enemy. A knight won’t attack a farmer,
fisherman, nor any other civilian serf.
When you attack, your knights march
toward the enemy building(s). An enemy
knight comes out of the enemy building
and a combat ensues, leaving one knight
victorious; there are no ties in combat.
After a while, either the attackers or the
defending knights in the enemy build-
ing are eliminated. If there are no
knights in the enemy building, the
attacker is victorious and takes control
of the building. The frontiers of your
city are consequently modified. The
victorious knights burn any other
unguarded enemy buildings that they
can. Such a defeat can be devastating
for a city. If, for example, your only coal 
The Training Games
Training Game 6 – Attack and Conquer Enemy Buildings
Orders: Conquer several enemy buildings.