games-pc scarface-miniguide 2 Manuale Utente

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PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
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  If you’re speedy, 
you’ll outrun the cops in 
seconds, so use the map 
to maneuver your ride 
with skill. Head across 
the bridges and over the 
freeway, then stop at the 
car wash.
This van is tough, but it isn’t invincible. If 
you really hammer it into vehicles and walls, it can be immobilized 
or destroyed, and you’ll fail. Don’t get reckless!
When the cops start following you, weave in and out of the on-
coming traffi c on Beach Drive to lose them.
  Race back to Pedro’s 
and pick up the fi nal 
package in the dirt 
courtyard behind the store.
As soon you grab the fi nal 
crate, the cops show up 
early! There’s nothing you can 
do except plan your escape. 
Plan your route wisely.
If the timer reaches zero before you pick 
up the fi nal crate, you f—k up. However, you should have around 
one minute left on the clock if you’ve been driving to a profes-
sional standard!
Third Package Drop-off Point: M-11
  Be sure you’re traveling 
in the correct direction. 
Swing the van around as 
you’re heading toward the 
trailer park. Make a right, 
and follow the road.
  Take the alleyway just 
left of the junction as you 
cross the bridge. Drop off 
package two behind Fidel’s 
Records. You should have 
approximately 2:30 
left on the clock.
Coping with the Cops
If you ignored the advice above, 
you’ll be swarmed with cops 
once your visibility rating maxes 
out, and when this happens, 
you can’t drop off or pick up 
  Stay close to the drop-off (or 
pick-up) location, and quickly 
maximize your speed on a 
straight road, leaving the cop 
in the dust. Head away from 
his radar (which appears on 
the map) to free yourself, then 
continue the mission.
Unfortunately, the time limit 
means you’re unlikely to complete this mission if you’re 
spotted more than once. Be careful out there.
When you’re back at Pedro’s 
(having used the directional 
arrows at each junction to 
arrive here), drive around 
the back to pick up the 
second crate of goods.
Second Package Drop-off Point: E-6
A shortcut between the southern and 
northern sections of Little Havana can signifi cantly 
reduce your driving time. Cut across the park that 
runs behind Cabana Cigar, avoiding the ditch 
and taking the alley down the side of the 
Christy Design building. Use this in both direc-
tions during the second crate drop.