games-pc star trek-starfleet command iii Manuale Utente

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The transporter button, located
next to the tractor beam button,
brings up the transporter controls. At times
during your missions, you will be required
to beam items or personnel from other
ships, or beam them from your ship to
another location. Icons appearing in the
Beam Out section are ready to be beamed
off the ship. Icons in the Beam In section
are on a nearby ship and ready to beam 
to yours. Click on Energize to activate 
the transporter.
The shuttle control panel is
accessed by clicking on the
shuttle button, located to the right of the
transporter button. This menu displays
the shuttles currently available and allows
you to launch them and assign orders.
Shuttlecraft are small utility ships, used
primarily to ferry personnel and
equipment to places the transporters cannot reach. In SFC3, shuttlecraft 
can be used in combat. Although relatively weak, they can give a
knowledgeable captain an advantage during battle, or at the very least
frustrate the opponent.
Your current available shuttles are displayed in the In Bay box. Each shuttle
has its own icon. To launch a shuttle, click on its icon and then click
Launch. The shuttle will emerge from your ship and follow its current orders.
This shuttle now appears in the Deployed box and can be selected there to
change its orders or return it to the ship. After launching a shuttle, the blue
bar above the launch button must refill before you can launch another. This
represents the time needed to prepare the shuttle and shuttle bay for
another launch. Before launching a shuttle, or at any time while deployed,
you may change its orders. The following options are available:
Attack: The shuttle will fly to and attack the enemy that is targeted when
the order is given. Shuttles are equipped with a weak beam weapon which
will not do much damage. However, they can distract an enemy and force
him to divert his attention away from you for a short period of time.
Tractor Beam
Your ship is equipped with a
tractor beam, which can be
used to grab and maneuver objects or
ships. To access these controls, click on
the tractor button located to the right of
the sensor button. The following features
are available from this menu:
Engage: This button will begin charging
your tractor beam. Once the beam is charged, it will lock on to the current
target. If that target is out of range, the beam will lock on once you move
within range.
Hold/Repel: These two buttons control the function of your tractor beam.
The default setting is “Hold,” which will lock onto a target and hold it in
place, allowing you to maneuver it wherever you want. If you find yourself
the target of an enemy tractor beam, the Repel setting allows you to use
your tractor beam to attempt to break free.
Beam Strength: These controls allow you to set your tractor beam strength
from 1 to 5, depending on the level of your installed tractor system. The
higher the strength, the longer it will take for your beam to charge and
engage. Tractor strengths are used to determine whether or not you are able
to repel another tractor beam. In order to successfully repel an opponent’s
tractor beam, you need a tractor beam strength equal to or greater than
their’s. If your opponent has you locked in a tractor beam at a 3 strength,
you will need to repel with a beam of 3, 4, or 5 strength to break free. If
you want to grab onto an opponent for a longer period of time, choose the
higher strength beams and chances are your opponent will have to try more
than once to break free.
Rotation: Once you have locked your target up with a tractor beam, you can
move their ship around yours while they are still held in the beam. The left
button will rotate the target counter-clockwise, the right button will rotate
them clockwise, and the center button halts rotation. Use this function to
bring tractored targets into your strongest weapon arc, or to run tractored
ships into asteroids or planets.