games-pc stone prophet Manuale Utente

Pagina di 49
Fire Beetle
The smallest of the giant beetles, fire beetles are nevertheless
capable of delivering serious damage with their powerful
mandibles. They are found both above and below ground, and
are primarily nocturnal. As with all giant beetles, these creatures are basi-
cally unintelligent and always hungry. Despite its name, the fire beetle
has no fire attacks, relying instead on its huge mandibles to inflict up to
three times the damage of a dagger in a single attack. Fire beetles have
two special glands above their eyes and one near the back of their
abdomens. These glands produce a luminous red glow, often used by
inventive explorers as an economical light source.
Fire Toad
These large, red toads are about four feet long and covered
with rough, purple warts. Fire toads shun water, preferring
drier surroundings. They take their name from the ability to
exhale small fireballs, the only known form of attack used by fire toads. A
single fireball can travel up to 30 feet and do 2–16 points of damage.
Cold-based spells inflict an additional point of damage against fire toads,
and throwing water at one of these creatures causes it to retreat. Fire
toads possess a limited resistance to fire-based spells.
Floating Death Head
The floating death head is thought to be the undead
remains of those beheaded in tragic accidents or devious
ceremonies. In Har’Akir, these creatures seem to have
been clerics of the local deities and still wear their cere-
monial headdress. They now float about in search of the
means to wreak havoc and pain upon those who still
possess mortal souls. In combat, the floating death head attacks with
either a lightning bolt or a fireball attack, each inflicting from 6–36 points
of damage. They are immune to poisons as well as hold or cold-based
spell attacks. As the undead spirits of individuals who suffered horribly,
floating death heads roam the desert around the ruins, temples, and
crypts where they would have resided in life.
Desert Zombie
Desert zombies are animated corpses controlled by
their creator, the evil mummy Senmet. Dried-out
human corpses, desert zombies march along in the
tatters of whatever clothing they last wore in life, wielding
whatever weapon last filled their hand when Senmet
took away their wills. In combat, these zombies do 1–8
points of damage, regardless of the type of weapon used. Like most
undead, desert zombies prove immune to death and ordinary hold spells.
Senmet directs the activities of all desert zombies. He can see and hear
through them and uses them to further his own plans in Har’Akir.
Doom Guard
Created by a series of arcane enchantments, doom
guards begin their unnatural existence as nothing
more than suits of armor. Once animated, they
become guards, serving as treasure protectors or as
temple guards to powerful mages. They are straight-
forward opponents. With a sword, axe, or similar
weapon, they attack anything entering their area of
responsibility. Their weapons inflict 1–8 points of
damage, or, in rare cases, up to 10 points of damage.
Any spell depending upon a biological function is useless
against a doom guard, although a lightning bolt spell can be effective.
When defeated, doom guards explode, causing 2–12 points of damage.
Dust Devil
The dust devil of Har’Akir is not to be confused with
the minor air elemental of the same name. When
feeding, the dust devil appears as a large, swirling
mass of air and sand, upon which rests a sharply
angled head whose slanting, crimson eyes are
meant to instill fear and hesitation in its foes.
When angry, the dust devil lashes out with a con-
centrated blast of air, inflicting 2–16 points of
damage. With so much debris swirling about the form
of the dust devil, its attack has been known to cause
blindness, further hampering its victims’ attempts at
defense. The bite of a dust devil does from 1–8 points of damage. Only
+2 weapons or better prove effective against this creature of the desert.