Sony E 10-18 mm f/ 4 OSS Lens Manuale

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SAL55200 (DT 4-5.6/55-200) (DT 55-200mm F4-5.6)
1000 mm collimator
Checking lens
2. Optical Axis Check/Adjustment
Attach the checking lens to the flange back tester, and set the 1000 mm collimator.
Set the focus ring of the checking lens to infinity end position while looking through the microscope, and align the optical axis to the
center of the chart image accurately.
Turn the focusing knob of the tester until the chart image is the sharpest (red and green color areas are equal on the chart *).
*: Position in which the color of collimator chart changes from green into red and come into focus.
Also check the optical axis aligns with the chart center. (Refer to Fig.4-3-4.)
Figure shows example. The cause depends on individual lens.
If the optical axis aligns the most unsharp, loosen the three screws shown in the Fig.4-3-5 and shift the 4th lens barrel-B assembly to
let the vertical and horizontal.
Optical Alignment
Best alignment
Incorrect aligned
e.g. As the focusing knob is turned, the chart may appear blurry as illustrated.
The cause depends on individual lens.
Three Screws