XingLiYangChen Technology co. Ltd 1X0L9Y1C3 Manuale Utente

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【Dual SIM card settings】: 
[Dual SIM open]: Choose to open the both SIM card
[Only SIM open]: Choose to open SIM only
[Only SIM2 open]: Choose to open SIM2 only
[Flight mode]: Choose the Flight Mode.
【Phone settings】: 
 [Time and Date]: 
◆ Set home city: Choose the home city.
◆ Set time/date: Set the display date and time 
◆ Set format: Choose the time and date format
[Scheduled  power  on/off]:  Activate  or  deactivate  scheduled  power  on  and  off  function. The 
mobile provides 4 times for scheduled power on and off, you can set status and time for each 
scheduled time. 
[Language]:  Display  Language  for  your  mobile.  The  mobile  provides  Simple  English 
languages, and so on
[Pref.input methods]: 
Define the default Input method. there several input modes. Please refer 
to the Input mode operation instruction for details.
 [Display Characteristic]
◆ Wall Paper:Set the stand-by wallpaper.
◆ Screen Saver:Activate or deactivate the screen savers, set the waiting time and screen 
saver picture.
◆ Power on display: You can view the boot animation.
◆ Power off display: You can view the shutdown animation. 
◆  Show  date  and  time:  Activate  or  deactivate  displaying  time  and  date  in  the  stand-by 
[Full keyboard]: select Open Close full keyboard.
 [Dedicated key]: You can setup function of the four direction keys.
[Misc.setting]: setting the LCD level and the time.
【Network Settings】Choose setup SIM or SIM2 network
[Network Selection]:Select automatic or manual method to search the network. 
[Preferences]:Set prior network.
【Security setup】
[SIM or SIM2 Security settings]