BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG A65 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 57
ens AG
 2003, D
65 am v
Care and maintenance
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ge: a
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 date: 041104
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 of A65_PUMA am, A31008-H5810-A40-1-4A19 (11.03.2005, 11:02)
Malta.......................................+ 35 32 14 94 06 32
Mauritius ................................................2 11 62 13
Mexico .......................................01 80 07 11 00 03
Morocco...............................................22 66 92 09
Netherlands .................................0 90 03 33 31 00
New Zealand...................................08 00 57 43 63
Nigeria ..............................................0 14 50 05 00
Norway.................................................22 70 84 00
Oman ....................................................... 79 10 12
Pakistan..........................................02 15 66 22 00
Paraguay ..........................................8 00 10 20 04
Philippines ........................................0 27 57 11 18
Poland.............................................08 01 30 00 30
Portugal ............................................8 08 20 15 21
Qatar....................................................04 32 20 10
Romania .........................................02 12 04 60 00
Russia..........................................8 80 02 00 10 10
Saudi Arabia .....................................0 22 26 00 43
Serbia .............................................01 13 07 00 80
Singapore ............................................62 27 11 18
Slovak Republic ..............................02 59 68 22 66
Slovenia............................................0 14 74 63 36
South Africa ....................................08 60 10 11 57
Spain.................................................9 02 11 50 61
Sweden.............................................0 87 50 99 11
Switzerland .....................................08 48 21 20 00
Taiwan ............................................02 23 96 10 06
Thailand............................................0 27 22 11 18
Tunisia .................................................71 86 19 02
Turkey..........................................0 21 65 79 71 00
Ukraine ........................................8 80 05 01 00 00
United Arab Emirates........................0 43 66 03 86
United Kingdom ...........................0 87 05 33 44 11
USA .............................................1 88 87 77 02 11
Vietnam...........................................84 89 20 24 64
Zimbabwe ............................................04 36 94 24
Care and maintenance
Your phone has been designed and man-
ufactured to the highest of standards and 
should be treated with great care. The 
suggestions below will help you to enjoy 
your phone for many years.
• Protect your phone from moisture and 
humidity! Precipitation, humidity and 
liquids contain minerals that will cor-
rode electronic circuits. Should your 
phone nonetheless become wet, dis-
connect it immediately from any power 
supply, remove the battery and leave 
the open phone to dry at room temper-
• Do not use or store the phone in dusty, 
dirty areas. Its moving parts may be-
come damaged.
• Do not store your phone in hot areas. 
High temperatures can shorten the life 
of electronic devices, damage batteries 
and warp or melt certain plastics. 
• Do not store your phone in cold areas. 
When the phone warms up again (to its 
normal ambient temperature), mois-
ture can form inside the phone, which 
may damage electronic circuit boards. 
• Do not drop, knock or shake your 
phone. Rough handling can damage in-
ternal circuit boards!
• Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning 
solvents, or strong detergents to clean 
the phone!
The suggestions given above apply equal-
ly to your phone, battery, charger and all 
accessories. If any of these parts are not 
working properly, take them to your near-
est qualified service outlet. The personnel 
there will assist you and, if necessary, 
repair the device.