Radwin Ltd. RW2054 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 223
Stage 1: Preliminary Survey
 Chapter 2
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion  2.5.30p4
• Urban map of the area
• Compass
Stage 2: Physical Survey
• 100 meter tape measure
• Ohmmeter, to check ground connection
• Binoculars
• Map
• Digital camera
• Paper, pencil, and a clipboard
• GPS device (optional)
• Compass (optional)
Stage 3: RF Survey
• Spectrum Analyzer with Max Hold function and screen capture facil-
ity that can store multiple images, for documentation purposes
• RF accessories (connectors and cables)
• Communication devices (for example, cellular phones, or a set of 
Stage 1: Preliminary Survey
A preliminary survey is necessary before visiting potential installation sites. 
As much detail as possible should be obtained about the two designated 
ODU installation sites and the area between them.
To perform a preliminary survey:
1. Mark the two designated installation sites on a topographic map of the 
2. Measure the distance between the sites; check that it is within the speci-
fied range of the RADWIN 1000/2000/5000.
3. On the urban map, check for developed areas situated between the two 
installation sites. Pay attention to these areas when performing the phys-
ical site survey; there may be tall buildings, RF towers, or transmitters, 
which could cause interference to the link.
4. Check the area between the two sites for obstructions such as:
• High ground - hills or mountains
• Lakes or large bodies of water. Water has a reflection effect on RF 
signals like a building. This type of reflection causes the received 
amplitude to be reduced. As a rule of thumb, the presence of a large 
body of water between the link sites may double the required 
antenna height.
5. Determine and record the compass bearings between both ODUs, rela-
tive to north.
6. If there are obstructions between the two sites, calculate the Fresnel 
 for details).