Given Imaging Limited GIVENRECORDER Manuale Utente

Pagina di 80
PillCam Platform
Chapter 1
Welcome to the PillCam Platform
The PillCam Platform enables minimally invasive visualization of the gastrointestinal tract. 
The system consists of:
PillCam video capsules—PillCam SB, PillCam ESO, and PillCam COLON, that acquire 
pictures of the gastrointestinal tract and transmits them to the DataRecorder
DataRecorder, which stores the images collected during the examination for subsequent video 
creation with the full RAPID software 
RAPID software, which processes and transforms the raw image data into a conveniently 
viewable RAPID video
PillCam Video Capsule
PillCam video capsules are video cameras for imaging the intestinal tract. The capsules, about the 
size of a large vitamin pill, are equipped with tiny battery, transmitters with antenna, and Light 
Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for each video camera head, all encapsulated in a biocompatible plastic 
There are three PillCam video capsule types: 
PillCam SB capsules are used for examination of the small bowel.
PillCam ESO capsules are used for examination of the esophagus. 
PillCam COLON capsules are used for examination of the colon.
PillCam SB capsules contain one video camera while the PillCam ESO and PillCam COLON 
capsules each contain two video cameras. 
After activation and ingestion, the PillCam video capsule is propelled by peristalsis through the 
gastrointestinal tract. The video cameras positioned behind a clear plastic dome acquire images 
while the PillCam video capsule travels along the patient's gastrointestinal tract. The transmitter 
sends images to the DataRecorder for storage. 
For specification and technical parameters of the PillCam video capsules, see System Specifications on page 32. For Indications and Contraindications, see chapter two of Book 2: 
Peforming Capsule Endoscopy. 
PillCam SB capsules
PillCam ESO capsules
PillCam COLON capsule