EMS Technologies Canada Ltd. HSD-400 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 188
Page 4–37
25 June 2008
eNfusion™ HSD-400 High-speed Data Terminal
(7) Antenna Tracking Checks
As a final ground-based system check, verify the antenna tracking. This confirms 
proper signal reception and transmission for all aircraft headings.
(a) Preparation
Perform all previous tests and document the results before proceeding. 
As directed in previous tests, connect a computer to the maintenance port 
and use the Level 2 maintenance password to access the HSD-400 terminal 
Power up all avionics and align the IRS.
Taxi or tow the aircraft to an unobstructed, line-of-site location where a 
complete 360° rotation is possible.
(b) Antenna Tracking Verification Procedure
 1. From the reports menu, enable items 820, and 23
Note: Reports item 8 (starboard antenna status word) is only required where 
conformal antennae are installed.
 2. Position the aircraft at a baseline, start-of-test heading (0 degrees true 
heading recommended).
 3. Confirm that the baseline heading, as reported by the aircraft IRS is similar 
to that reported from the "HD" entry in reports item 23.
 4. Record the following data on the "Installation Checklist" on page E-1:
• Selected antenna—port or starboard (conformal only)
• Antenna gain and azimuth angle
• Heading
• Channel Card C/No and Signal levels
 5. Rotate the aircraft through a full 360° circle while stopping to record data at 
the following heading intervals:
• For conformal or phased arrays: every 15°
• For mechanically steered antenna: every 30°
(8) Optional System Checks
The following procedures are recommended—but not essential; however, they serve 
to confirm successful completion of all previous tests.
(a) Preparation
Activate report items 21 and 23 for the following checks.
(b) Optional Voice/Data Calls Procedure
Note: As in previous tests, open a log file to capture all maintenance port activity 
during aircraft taxiing, flight, and landing segments.
Ground segment voice or data calls: