Bird Technologies Group 5PI613805 Manuale Utente

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TXRX Systems Inc.                                Manual 7-9408-1.2                                 07/25/05                                  Page 9
61-38-05 UserMan page 9 of 38
performance of the system is actually decreased
on all other channels within the branch as long as
gain reduction is taking place. This implies that
OLC has been designed to handle short term or
transient overdrive episodes only.
Note About Output Power Rating
A single maximum output power rating does not
apply to broadband signal boosters because the
linear amplifiers (Class A) used in them may have
to process multiple simultaneous signals. Under
these conditions, the questions of power rating
becomes more complex.
When more than one signal is amplified, a number
of spurious signals will also appear in the amplified
output. They are referred to as intermodulation dis-
tortion products, more commonly called I.M. These
spurious products would not be present in a per-
fectly linear amplifier but as in all things, something
short of perfection is realized. The net result is that
the total power out in each signal will be somewhat
less than the single carrier rating in order to main-
tain adequate I.M. performance.
The layout of the signal distribution system will be
the prime factor in determining the mounting loca-
tion of the signal booster enclosure. However,
safety and serviceability are also key consider-
ations. The unit should be located where it cannot
be tampered with by unauthorized personnel yet is
easily accessible to service personnel using trou-
ble shooting test equipment such as digital multim-
eters and spectrum analyzers. Also consider the
weight and size of the unit should it become
detached from its mounting surfaces for any rea-
Very little is required to install this signal booster.
The unit should be bolted in its permanent position
using lag bolts or other suitable fasteners. Make
sure there is an unobstructed airflow over the
external heatsinks. Safety and serviceability are
key considerations. The signal booster cabinet will
stay warm during normal operation so in the inter-
est of equipment longevity, avoid locations that will
expose the cabinet to direct sun or areas where the
temperature is continually elevated.
The signal booster is designed to be powered from
120 VAC and a conduit entry box is provided at the
bottom of the enclosure for bringing the AC line into
the cabinet. AC line connections should be made in
accordance with local electrical and building codes.
The battery backup system should also be con-
Figure 2: Bottom view of cabinet enclosure.