Citrix Password Manager 4.0: 20 Named User Connection with Subscription Advantage MW240000016 Manuale Utente

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In helping you solve Identity and Access Management challenges, Citrix Password Manager
brings together digitally signed configuration settings, enhanced event logging, and third-party
security certification to improve security and regulatory compliance, and a powerful
management console to enhance administrative control. But there’s more.
Most notably:
Single Logon
— increases productivity by allowing users to logon just once, with their
network credentials. Password Manager automates subsequent logons to applications
accessed through a Web browser, Windows client, or host terminal emulator.
Password Policy Enforcement
— specifies strong password-generation rules on a 
per-application basis, thereby eliminating the weak passwords typically created by users.
Automated Password Change
— makes the password-change process invisible to
your users, enabling you to change passwords quickly, easily and as frequently as you
prefer, for continual and ever-stronger secure access to applications.
Self-Service Password Reset and Account Unlock
— allows your users to reset
their domain password or unlock their Windows account without calling your help desk,
further reducing administration costs.
Hot Desktop
— enables your users who share workstations to logon/logoff in seconds
instead of using a time-consuming, full Windows or Novell logon/logoff procedure.
User Provisioning
— pre-populates the Password Manager central store with users’
secondary credentials, ensuring that they do not have to manually enter their credentials
at first time use.
, O
Citrix Password Manager simplifies access for your users, saves money for your
organization, and increases security for everyone. The value of Password Manager 
is extended when it is purchased as a part of the Citrix Access Suite.
The Citrix Access Suite is the most integrated access solution available for providing
secure, on-demand access to any corporate information resource, from anywhere, with
any device, over any network. Comprised of Citrix Presentation Server
, Citrix Access
, and Citrix Password Manager, the Access Suite provides an “always-on”
connection to information — whether data, voice, or people. It is secure by design,
centralizes access, provides a robust and resilient foundation for business, and
automatically adjusts to dynamic access scenarios.
Higher Productivity with
Enterprise Single Sign-On
Located near Houston, Texas, Community
Resource Credit Union (CRCU) is a
community charter organization with two
locations and branch expansion possibilities.
CRCU sought a solution that would simplify
the complexity and reduce the frustration
Key Features of Citrix Password Manager
of signing on to 15 or more password-
protected applications — each with its
own requirements.
With Citrix Password Manager, CRCU’s
users can self-enroll in the single sign-on
capability, and the next time they launch
an application, Password Manager will
automatically log them in. The product
integrates with Active Directory and enables
automatic password changes according
to IT’s pre-set rules. Password Manager
also supports CRCU’s use of two-factor
biometric authentication for increased
security. Overall, Password Manager has
helped increase employee productivity
and reduce IT staff involvement in
password administration.